Why I decided to not to β€œexpect” things in the new year

Do you have someone in your life that opens your mind to ideas you didn’t understand or, more often, β€œweren’t open to?” It’s hard to give someone like that credit sometimes; for-sure, I have struggled with it once or twice. Well, this one’s for them.

You see, I used to link expectations with hoping. So I would hope for the best, and then if it fell short or I thought too far ahead, it would lead to some kind of disappointment. We are talking the big picture related items here, not your day to day trivial series of unfortunate events. So I realized that it would be better for me as a whole to not expect anything out of a single year of my life. Yes, I’m all for personal goals- if you know me well even had a running joke about me being β€œ2020 Syd” early on in the year. Aka a newer version of myself.

But what is the need for so much pressure? Pressure on all kinds of relationships, where you are in life, what’s next? Having constant conversations about these topics with people can be exhausting.

There’s no doubt in my mind that if you got this far on the blog post, you have learned something about yourself, family, friends, job, etc., during 2020. And maybe those lessons you needed, and perhaps you felt you didn’t. So as far as expectations go, if they aren’t present, there wouldn’t be room for you to feel let down by situations or people as much as humanly possible. It’s not a cure-all, but it seems more and more to me like some pretty solid advice I wish listened to more.

I do wish all the best for each and everyone who reads this; this world is definitely due some great months/years ahead. Happy New Year.
