Buying gifts can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Plus the holiday shopping season is shorter this year, with Thanksgiving being already this upcoming Thursday. I don’t know about you but November feels like it just started.
But anyways, stores are opening as early as 5:00 pm on November 28th, so I compiled three different gift guides to help with this year’s holiday shopping. The three guides are for him, her, and parents; this does NOT mean you can’t get someone something from a different category. (Ex. You buy your girlfriend airpods, but I placed the air pods in the “for him” guide.) This guide can work for friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, co-workers, moms, dads, or whoever is on your list this year! All images are clickable links to view the products. But before we move on to the guide here are a few tips.
Quick Tips for Buying Gifts
- Write a list of everyone you know you want to get something for this ensures you won’t leave anyone out! Usually, I write mine and a few days later go back with fresh eyes
- Aim for something you know they will use. I feel this is something crucial to avoid the “re-gift” trend that often happens to start on December 26th. Something that always makes a great gift is something you know they wouldn’t get for themselves. Last year I got my dad an apple watch, and he loves it.
- Experiences work too! Concerts, plays, sporting events, sky diving, any memory you can share with something is always a great idea. If you live in Miami, I linked Hamilton tickets. I am going in February with my best friend and mom, and it is a top-rated show which I believe would make an excellent gift for the Broadway lover in your life.
- In reality, it is not the amount of money spent on the gift, it’s the thought that counts! Whether it took them 20 minutes at a mall kiosk or a month to put together, that person thought of you and wanted to give you something special. Something they thought you would like, something that reminds them of you.
I hope you these guides are helpful and leave a comment if you end up getting something I linked! Happy shopping!