I neglected my health and here’s what happened

Sitting here post my second procedure of the summer and couldn’t think of a more important topic to write about: Health.

With everything going on, I think we all know that we should be washing our hands and wearing a mask. And if you don’t, I’m sure someone on your social media is reminding you to. Constantly.

But that’s not the main point of this blog post.

I want to talk about how neglecting your health because your “too busy” is probably one most detrimental things you can do to yourself. Growing up, I wasn’t one to get sick maybe once or twice a year, I would stay home with a cold. When I was five, I had correctional eye surgery, but that was pretty much it. Doctors were never too worried about anything, so I grew up thinking well I guess I’m pretty lucky. I work out, eat healthy for the most part, and try to get as much sleep as possible. So I figure I will know if somethings wrong because I pay attention to when I feel slightly off.

The thing about adulting it comes with many freedoms. Deciding what to do and when to do it is one of them. Naturally, I am a workaholic, but I know that this bad habit didnt start post-grad. College is great, but it is supposed to teach you how to manage your time and be responsible. The time management thing I am pretty good at. Being responsible in terms of getting the neccessary check-ups I need not so much. Fast forward to now, and I am telling you you wake up one day and start not to feel “pretty lucky” anymore, and it can be quite scary.

Within the past couple of months, I was diagnosed with a condition common among many women. But all new to me. And I think what was even worse was I knew I had put off going to the doctor until something was wrong. Because that’s what we sometimes do, right? We aren’t always proactive. We are sometimes only reactive. It’s not easy to find out that something is wrong with you, but it’s even worse not to take care of yourself and then something worse happens.

So to wrap this up, I am okay and will be okay. But if this post can teach you anything it is:

A) Really important to be “in tune with your body” but that doesn’t you know best.
B) Go to the doctor for your check-ups!

Even in a COVID era, it is still vital you don’t wait. If you need to go, please just put on a mask and get looked at. You wouldn’t want something simple to get prolonged into a more serious problem. Trust me.
